Article How do you know a spam E-Mail
With so much spamming and virus emails been delivered at the moment, this article is about how to know a spam email. Like lots of people, have you ever got an email and wondered?
Is this a Legit E-mail or is it a spam E-Mail?
I will show you one of the ways you know how an e-mail is a spam e-mail.
Here is an E-Mail I got, that said its from return@Amazon
When I opened it, it says But you Do not believe this line, If you know how to, you can make this line to read anything you want. So if you open the email, look here where the arrow is.
That is the true email address, where it has come from. So this email comes from This address obviously does not come from return@Amazon or any department in Amazon.
Here is another example of a non spam email, this is from my own business email address, so it says it comes from Donal Dold and if you look at the line it shows it does in fact come from So the name where it says it comes from and the email address are very similar, so you could take it that it is a legit safe email.
So always look at this line.
If it does not say it comes from, who it is suppose to come from, leave it alone. If you have any doubt, of an email you received, 8888 never open an attachment that comes in a suspicious email. That is where the virus or malware could be and if you open the attachment you could be opening a can of viruses.
Hope this helped you, and you now know, how to know a spam email. If it did I would apricate if you would follow me on my Facebook Page Here or my YouTube Channel Here This way you have a high chance of seen a notification when I publish a new video or article. I hope to publish a couple of new videos and articles a week.
I got an email only a couple of days after making this post and I used the tip I showed you here and it saved me from giving my bank details.
Have a look at the image.
If you think I left something out, that could help others, please leave a comment.
If you would like to contact me on business matters please contact me here
Video How do you know a spam E-Mail

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